Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 4

We began creating the a store in matlab. Initially, we were nearly clueless as to how code properly to create a store, however, with extensive research we learned the material. We focused on youtube video tutorials and matlab coding instructions to code properly. We followed the block diagram created in week 3 step by step to code in matlab. The concluding production of matlab code for this week was:

 menu('Store','new user','old user')
case'new user'
case'old user'
exampleOutput = menu('Item 1','Item 2','Item 3')
exampleOutput = Item 1('10')
exampleOutput = Item 2 ('5')
exampleOutput = Item 3 ('7')

This code allows for a customer to scan his/her finger. If the person is a new user......
If the person is an already existing (old user), the menu will appear, allowing for him/her to choose from the available options.

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